Lemon Scented Cold Tomato and Herb Soup Appetizers, Salads, Side dishes, Summer, Trips to Italy, VegetarianViolaJuly 16, 2015cherry, cold summer soup, cold tomato soup, cucumber melon salad, gazpacho, Italian tomato salad, tomato and basil, tomato salads, tomato soup, tomatoesComment
Vignarola or Scafata? Spring Vegetables Stew Easter, Seasonal cooking, Side dishes, Spring, Vegetarian, Main coursesViolaApril 16, 2015artichokes, Easter vegetable stew, fava beans, Italian vegetable stew, marjoram, scafata, shelling peas, vegetable stew, vignarola Comments
Puntarelle alla Romana Appetizers, Christmas, Salads, Side dishes, WinterViolaDecember 17, 2014alla romana, Anchovies, bitter greens, chicory, Christmas salad, cooking with anchovies, Italian Christmas, puntarelle, Roman cuisine Comments
Sautéed Wild Greens Side dishes, Summer, VegetarianViolaJune 7, 2013camping food, greens, hazelnuts, Italian summer cooking, kale, olive oil Comments
Cauliflower, Leek and Potato Soup with Sage and Lemon Side dishes, Spring, VegetarianViolaMay 5, 2013cauliflower, roasted vegetables, vegetable soup Comment